What RVers Wish Non-RVers Knew About The RV Lifestyle

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When you start RVing, you open up to a new world. The experiences you gain when living your life on the road are unmatched.

However, sharing those experiences with non-RVers can be challenging.

Not only can the lifestyle seem mysterious, but many wonder why RVers do it. Sometimes, RVers are even judged for living on the road full-time!

What RVers Wish Non-RVers Knew About the Lifestyle

We recently opened up the conversation about these particular struggles on our Instagram account, and many other RVers felt the same way.

There seemed to be a theme with certain topics that non-RVers bring up to RVers. So today, I wanted to clear the air and share a few things RVers wish non-RVers knew. Let’s get into it!

RVers Aren’t Homeless

Sure, technically, we don’t have a house anymore, but the implications behind being called homeless feel much more than a technicality.

The first time I told my office we were buying an RV and heading out, the jokes about choosing to become homeless were non-stop.

Selling all of your belongings and transitioning to RV life is already stressful enough. To then have people begin to call you homeless is disheartening and, from our perspective, not funny at all.

Interior of a fifth wheel RV. The kitchen, fridge, microwave are in the foreground with the couch and TV in the background.

Everyday Isn’t a Vacation

“You’re living the dream” is a common phrase from non-RVers. We are also commonly asked if we get sick of our permanent vacation. While RV life grants the community great traveling opportunities, it does not feel like a permanent vacation.

RVers are faced with constant struggles. Newbie RVers quickly learn there is almost always something to fix, a campground to book, or other issues to deal with.

RVing comes with a whole new set of responsibilities and maintenance to stay on. Plus, most full-time RVers cannot spend their money like every day is a vacation; otherwise, funds would run out quickly.

RVers Aren’t Roughing It

For every non-RVer who thinks every day is a vacation for RVers, there is another person out there who thinks RVing is roughing it.

Many RVers have been posed questions like “How do you cook?” ” How often do you get to shower?” or, my personal favorite, “Where do you go to the bathroom?”

RVs nowadays can be nicer than some apartments. They come fully equipped with bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, TVs, sound systems, outdoor kitchens, bars, and more. While yes, some folks could be roughing it with smaller RVs, the majority of full-time RVers are not.

Watch Out for RVers on the Road

A common response from fellow RVers was to watch out for us on the road! When towing or driving an RV, stopping on a dime is nearly impossible. RVers are consistently cut off and tailgated on the road. So many RVers wish that non-RVers would keep an eye out for us.

Look over your shoulder in advance when merging, give us space when following behind, and please, for the love of all things, don’t make us slam on our breaks by cutting us off. Not only is it terrifying, but all of our belongings are in our RV, surely taking a beating from the quick stop.

Please Don’t Take the Diesel Pumps

Since we’re discussing unspoken etiquette between non-RVers and RVers, it only feels right to mention diesel pumps. Many RVers use diesel for their trucks, motorhomes, or vans. Diesel is typically marked with a green handle at gas stations, and there are normally only two to four available.

We bet almost every RVer could tell you about a time when they pulled into an empty gas station to find someone using gas at a diesel station. It’s frustrating to wait for a pump when the entire station is empty.

Now, if the gas station is busy and there is a line, we understand taking the first available station, diesel or not. However, it would be extremely helpful if non-diesel users would try to snag a gas-only pump before pulling into the diesel island.

Man at a pump in a gas station. He is using the gas pump and the diesel pump is unused.

Yes, RVers Miss Their Families

Many of our followers mentioned that non-RVers ask them if they miss their families and imply that hitting the road is a selfish move.

We have had a friend or two tell us, “I could never do what you’re doing; I’d miss my parents/grandparents too much!” While we understand that viewpoint and very much miss our families, fulfilling our wildest dreams was important to us.

With FaceTime and apps like Marco Polo, keeping in touch is easier than ever. In addition, we value our time with family much more than we did before. Every conversation feels more meaningful, and every hug is thoroughly enjoyed.

Open Your Mind to the World of RVing

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, right? Hopefully, this post will shed some light on how non-RVers communicate with RVers.

If you have a friend in your life who has an RV, I’m sure they’d love it if you invited yourself over to check out their rig and have a drink around the campfire!

There’s nothing RVers love more than sharing the wonderful experiences that come with the lifestyle, especially to a newbie.

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